Ask An Astrobiologist

Astrobiology enthusiasts! Do you have an astrobiology related question that you would like us to ask our panel of experts? Post your question here:

[Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that to save our panel’s time, we might combine similar questions and paraphrase them for the sake of simplicity. If, however, you still feel your question or a part of it was not answered, please let us know.]

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1Dr. Dimitra Atri

Research Scientist, Blue Marble Space Institute of Science

2Dr. Jacob Haqq-Misra

Research Scientist, Blue Marble Space Institute of Science

i713_DSC_6092 (1)Dr. Parag Vaishampayan

Scientist, NASA JPL & Blue Marble Space Institute of Science

3Dr. Preeti Nema

Research Scientist, Blue Marble Space Institute of Science

3Dr. Ravi K. Kopparapu

Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre & Blue Marble Space Institute of Science

4Dr. Sanjoy Som

Scientist, NASA Ames Research Centre & Blue Marble Space Institute of Science

1Dr. Sudha Rajamani

Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune, India