Tag Archives: Earth

Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the Universe. It encompasses the origin, evolution and history of life on Earth and also studies the potential for extraterrestrial life. Astrobiology provides an interdisciplinary approach with innovative insight toward fundamental questions in science.

Astrobiology unites physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, molecular biology, ecology, planetary science, geography, and geology to study “anything and everything about life on Earth in order to understand how life might arise and survive elsewhere in the Universe”.

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When Cassini took this picture of Earth, we were supposed to wave at it. Did you wave at Cassini?
When Cassini took this picture of Earth, we were supposed to wave at it. Did you wave at Cassini?

Did you wave at Cassini when it took this picture of Earth?

For the first time in history we, humankind, can take action to ensure our survival as species and protect our planet. At the same time, the advent of technology and, in recent times, accessibility to information, has increased the speed at which changes occur in our society and environment. Global emerging risks now shape the face of Earth in unprecedented ways.

The awareness we aspire toward can only be achieved through scientific education, essential to understand the key questions: ‘What is life?’, but most importantly ‘What is life worth to us?’

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